I've mentioned before that I am a fan of the toys-to-life genre. While my favorite of the bunch, Disney Infinity, has been cancelled, and fans are still waiting for the future plans on the Skylanders franchise, we do currently know that LEGO Dimensions has a 4-year plan. New toys and updates for 4 years, and after that, they will decide on either a sequel, or even more toys and updates.
For those not familiar, LEGO Dimensions is more or less the biggest crossover game to ever exist. LEGO versions of several franchises; old, new, popular, and semi-popular; coming together to play together. This is a game where Finn and Jake can chat it up with Voldemort and Scooby-doo, riding around in Kitt and a winged monkey. And those are only some of the characters I've personally bought. Some franchises make me plan on buying the character the moment they are out in stores, and some get put on the back of my mind for a later. Admittedly, some I also plan on not buying, but that's the risk with these games, not everyone will buy every toy.
I'm going to make a list of franchises, and I haven't decided how many franchises just yet, that I think would transfer to this LEGO toys-to-life game perfectly. One caveat, I will not be doing Disney, Marvel, or Star Wars characters. Not only am I more than happy with the Infinity Figures I already have, as I still play Disney Infinity regardless of the cancellation, but to be frank, I don't think LEGO is going to try and get any of them. The cancellation came over a year ago, and LEGO is still franchising both Star Wars and Marvel as full games, with LEGO The Force Awakens and LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2. I think they are either under contract to do it that way, or would prefer. Besides, they may have already planned out ever LEGO figure already, and they would have had to do that when Disney wouldn't have signed off on them being in another toys-to-life game.
Granted, I do have one exception, but I have a good reason for that. Now, without further ado, here is what I think LEGO Dimensions should consider:
1. Rush Hour
With Goonies, Beetlejuice, and Knight Rider, there is a clear stance that 80's franchises can be applied to the game, even if they appeal more to adults than to children. I say, why not try a still popular 90's franchise?
Rush Hour may not have much power today, but neither does Knight Rider, and Kitt is one of my favorite vehicles to use now. Plus, there were not only three movies, but a short-lived and very recent TV show, and talks of a four movie to come eventually. I think there is enough staying power to be considered, maybe not as a level-pack, but I can easily imagine a team pack with Lee and Carter. I think a lot of people would buy that in a heartbeat.
2. LEGO Island
Before LEGO adapted franchises into video games, they tried their hand at creating their own IP. A beloved series from this era was LEGO Island, and I think LEGO Dimensions is the perfect place to try and revive the series. While I would love a chance to play as the evil Brickster, I think a level pack would be a great way to reintroduce Pepper and the island itself into the modern day, for old fans and their kids. Out of all my choices, this may be the least likely, but I would love to see it happen. LEGO games are very well-liked now, and incredibly polished, a level pack may even be considered the best sequel this franchise ever got.
Plus, we need more LEGO franchises in general for this game. Year 2 only received one, and that was due to LEGO City Undercover gaining a re-release. Lots of players want more LEGO originals, I say this is the place to start. Brutalmoose can tell you more above, he covered the whole series in fact.
3. Looney Tunes
Real talk, I'm expecting this one next year. Why? Is it because I know Warner Bros. owns Bugs and the others and will easily see the appeal? Actually, no. It's because LEGO Dimensions loves capitializing on current big-name products, especially reboots and sequels. What could possibly be out next year that would convince me? The sequel to this:
If I remember correctly, Space Jam 2 releases next year. This does mean I'm expecting LEGO versions of the Looney Tunes to arrive, solely to tie-in with the movie. This would also mean their co-star, this time I believe Shaquelle O'Neil, to be LEGO-ized as well. Personally, I love the idea of LEGO Shaq, so bring it on LEGO Dimensions. If I'm wrong on who the star of the movie is, well, hopefully I'm not wrong about my general prediction. I seems like a fantastic idea.
4. The Greatest American Hero
A personal one just for me. I love The Greatest American Hero, and in it's hayday, this was a popular show. It still has many fans to this day, and in all seriousness, I would not be the least bit surprised if this got in.
F&$*(ng Knight Rider got in. How could this not have a chance?
5. The Freemaker Adventures
If you're not familair with this Disney XD series; it's a cute, funny, intelligent, and action-packed show focused around the Freemaker siblings. It captures so much of the humor of LEGO games, and the kind of TV cartoon action we haven't had in a while. A second season airs this summer, and what better advertising than LEGO Dimensions? Even if Infinity had never been cancelled, I'd still think LEGO Dimensions was the right place for these characters, seeing as they are made from LEGO. With the cancellation, I can only imagine a few phonecalls could make this possible, and I would love to see it. It would also quench the appetites of all the players who want Star Wars, and not trample over the already hurt feelings for Infinity players who think it would be too soon.
That's my list, all we need to do now is wait and see if any of them come true. Still banking on Looney Tunes, but out of all of them, I really want LEGO Island. Only time will tell. We'll see by the end of this year.