Believe it or not I have better posts coming!

I've stated on this blog before that the idea of posting every Wednesday was mostly to keep myself writing every week. To keep me in a constant of work. I have also recently stated that I've gone back to working on regular projects for the future and my portfolio, and the blog would suffer from it.

No joke, earlier today I was washing the frying pan I had used to make my breakfast, and said to myself "Oh, it's Wednesday." nonchalantly. I still make sure to give you something, even short things like this or my commentary on recent events that thankfully are finally turning out in America's favor instead of the fascist's.

So, yeah, I back to either writing a good portion or reading. A little advice for upstarts and some hidden knowledge for those who don't write. It's also part of the job to read, whether for research or just because the book sounds interesting. Reading isn't a hobby for a writer, it's just a way to absorb more of the work and get better.

But, there are two posts I've wanted to do on here for a while now, and because of what I've been doing on here is minimal, I'm going to try my best to do those soon enough. Like, next week probably. What will they be?

One is a review of Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL, the PS3 version.

The other is a comparison of American McGee's Alice and Fran Bow.

There, at least you know what I would do, in case I fail to do them next week as well. Next week probably won't be the comparison though, I just got Alice: Madness Returns yesterday, never played it but always meant to. Have played Fran Bow though, and I was aware enough about Alice that I could draw the comparisons already.

Even if no one read this, I thank you.