Well this is interesting.
So I originally wanted to do a post that required a lot of time and effort. The idea came to me one day before I started writing, so yeah, I have absolutely no time for that right now if I wanted to post it in time for my weekly deadline of every Wednesday.
I then thought about taking more about video games, but I've been talking about video games on here a lot. I don't want to be a video game blogger, and it was starting to feel like that was what I was becoming.
I'm mostly supposed to use this blog as a way to promote myself, and to keep myself writing every week. Well, this post will do the latter half. If I somehow got popular from this post than I'd be very blown away since this is the first post I'm putting almost no effort into. At least I'll still be proof-reading it before I post it.
I guess I could just ask how you guys are doing. That's "guys" in the gender-neutral sense. Same way I use the word "dude" if I'm being frank. I don't know why, I just never really used either word to direct to any specific gender. World's getting more progressive so that's something I don't have to worry about changing about myself, that's good.
So yeah leave a comment saying how you're doing I guess. I'm sorry if things aren't going your way. Things happen but they shouldn't have to. If you're doing fine, cool, feel free to spread some of that happiness with the world.
Did any of you see the Nintendo Switch reveal? Personally I was more hyped for the console before the reveal, now my interest is waning a little bit. However, it's been a long time since I played a Mario game and Super Mario Odyssey looks like it might be the one to bring me back. Also, anyone else expecting Nintendo to make an Amiibo out of the new suddenly alive hat Mario wears for the game? Either on Mario or just by itself. They Amiibo practically everything, which I have to admire even though I only just bought my first Amiibo and I'm not planning on getting many more, just the recent Kirby ones.
I mentioned the Switch so, screw it, I'm putting it in the tags. I'm a starving artist who needs to get the word out, alright? Click-bait is more necessary than you think in this day and age. Is it day and age or day in age? I'm positive it's the former but I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter and it's just a stupid saying.
Oh, speaking of sayings. You know "Curiosity killed the cat"? That's only the first half of the saying, the rest is "Satisfaction brought him back". Yeah, it's not supposed to be a warning against trying new things, it's meant to tell you that you should expand your horizons because you might like what you get. No wonder people are scared of trying new things now, some A-hole ruined a really good saying.
I guess this blog now does rambling posts as well. I'm following the leader just like everyone else who does entertainment. At least I'm better than Rob Schneider.
Seriously, what the hell was all that stuff he just said on Twitter? I'm not being political here, it didn't even sound like a conservative, it sounded like the ramblings of some mentally insane man who's been living alone for thirty years and barely remembers the language he speaks.
Also to be not-political with political things, apparently today there has been discussion on arming schools in defense of, of all things, grizzly bears. Only from one person so far but with these kind of things I'm sure a couple of people will raise their voice and say "It's such a big problem we always knew about! Finally someone gets it!" even though they never thought about bears in schools before or even knew what a bear was.
Back on point, I don't care what side you're on, if you're that scared of a bear attacking a school you know you can just bait them, right? Animal bait exists, people use it to keep animals confided to one spot, often away from something important. National parks do this sometimes, I think, when they have picnic areas and try to keep the animals away, although mostly they just leave a million signs telling you it's a bad idea to leave your discarded food on the tables and please put them in the trash cans that are designed to not be openable by bears and raccoons. Hell I grew up in a state famous for bears and this is probably what we did if a bear sighting happened. Although I went to both a middle school and a high school with deep woods out back and the only time we hear about a bear attack was a joke a teacher told one time.
Whatever, it's over now. Have a good week, something better will come out next week.